Setting Up Facebook Business Manager for Your Client

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As a digital marketer or agency, setting up Facebook Business Manager for your clients is an essential step in managing their Facebook presence effectively. Facebook Business Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to manage multiple Facebook pages, ad accounts, and team members in one centralized location. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up Facebook Business Manager for your client.

Step 1: Create a Business Manager Account

The first step is to create a Business Manager account for your client. To do this, go to the Facebook Business Manager homepage and click on the “Create Account” button. You will need to provide your client’s business name, email address, and other relevant information. Once you have filled in the necessary details, click on “Submit” to create the account.

Step 2: Add Your Client’s Facebook Page

After creating the Business Manager account, the next step is to add your client’s Facebook page. To do this, click on the “Business Settings” tab in the top left corner of the Business Manager dashboard. Then, click on “Pages” in the left-hand menu and select “Add New Pages.” You will be prompted to enter the Facebook page URL or the page name. Once you have entered the details, click on “Add Page” to add it to your Business Manager account.

Step 3: Assign Roles and Permissions

Once you have added the Facebook page, you can assign roles and permissions to team members or agencies who will be managing the page. To do this, go to the “Business Settings” tab and click on “People” in the left-hand menu. From here, you can add team members by entering their email addresses or assign existing team members to the Facebook page. You can assign roles such as Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, or Analyst depending on the level of access each team member requires.

Step 4: Connect Ad Accounts

If your client already has existing ad accounts, you can connect them to the Business Manager account. To do this, go to the “Business Settings” tab and click on “Ad Accounts” in the left-hand menu. Then, click on “Add New Ad Accounts” and enter the ad account ID or request access to an existing ad account. Once the ad account is connected, you can manage and run ads on behalf of your client.

Step 5: Set Up Payment Methods

In order to run ads on Facebook, you will need to set up payment methods for your client’s ad account. To do this, go to the “Business Settings” tab and click on “Payments” in the left-hand menu. From here, you can add a payment method such as a credit card or PayPal account. You can also set a spending limit to control the ad spend for your client.

Step 6: Customize and Optimize

Once you have completed the initial setup, take some time to customize and optimize your client’s Facebook Business Manager account. You can customize the account settings, add additional pages or ad accounts, and set up advanced features such as pixel tracking and catalog management. Regularly review and update the settings to ensure that your client’s Facebook presence is aligned with their business goals.


Setting up Facebook Business Manager for your client is a crucial step in effectively managing their Facebook presence. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create a centralized hub for managing multiple Facebook pages, ad accounts, and team members. Remember to assign roles and permissions, connect ad accounts, set up payment methods, and customize the account settings to optimize your client’s Facebook Business Manager experience.