How to Create an Ad Account on Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager is a powerful tool that allows businesses to manage their Facebook pages, ad accounts, and other assets in one place. If you’re looking to advertise on Facebook, creating an ad account on Facebook Business Manager is the first step. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of creating an ad account on Facebook Business Manager.

Step 1: Access Facebook Business Manager

The first thing you need to do is access Facebook Business Manager. If you don’t already have a Facebook Business Manager account, you can create one by visiting Sign in with your Facebook account credentials or create a new account if you don’t have one.

Step 2: Set Up Your Business Manager Account

Once you’re logged in to Facebook Business Manager, you’ll need to set up your account. Click on the “Create Account” button and fill in the required information, including your business name, email address, and other details. Follow the prompts to complete the setup process.

Step 3: Add Your Facebook Page

After setting up your Business Manager account, you’ll need to add your Facebook page. Click on the “Business Settings” tab in the top right corner of the screen. Then, click on “Pages” in the left-hand menu and click the “Add” button. Select “Add a Page” and follow the instructions to add your Facebook page to your Business Manager account.

Step 4: Create an Ad Account

Once you’ve added your Facebook page, you can create an ad account. Go back to the “Business Settings” tab and click on “Ad Accounts” in the left-hand menu. Click the “Add” button and select “Create a New Ad Account”. Fill in the necessary details, such as the account name, currency, and time zone. You can also choose to assign a partner or employee to manage the ad account if needed. Click “Create” to finish creating your ad account.

Step 5: Assign People to Your Ad Account

After creating your ad account, you’ll want to assign people to manage it. Click on “Ad Accounts” in the “Business Settings” tab and select your ad account. Click on the “Assign Partners” button to add people to your ad account. You can assign existing Business Manager users or invite new people by entering their email addresses. Choose the appropriate level of access for each person, such as admin, advertiser, or analyst.

Step 6: Set Up Payment Method

Before you can start running ads, you’ll need to set up a payment method for your ad account. Click on “Ad Accounts” in the “Business Settings” tab and select your ad account. Click on the “Payment Settings” tab and then click on “Add Payment Method”. Follow the instructions to add your payment method, such as a credit card or PayPal account. Facebook will use this payment method to charge you for your ad spend.

Step 7: Verify Your Ad Account

For added security, it’s recommended to verify your ad account. Click on “Ad Accounts” in the “Business Settings” tab and select your ad account. Click on the “Ad Account Verification” tab and follow the instructions to verify your account. This may involve providing additional documentation, such as a business license or utility bill.

Step 8: Start Running Ads

Once you’ve completed all the previous steps, you’re ready to start running ads on Facebook. You can create ad campaigns, set up targeting options, and monitor the performance of your ads all within Facebook Business Manager. Take advantage of the various tools and features available to optimize your ad campaigns and reach your target audience effectively.

If you want to create your own Business Manager account, you can follow the steps on this guide. If you want to buy an existing one, you can check out some websites that offer verified Business Manager accounts for sale, such as

Creating an ad account on Facebook Business Manager is a straightforward process that allows you to manage your Facebook advertising efforts efficiently. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to running successful ad campaigns and reaching your business goals on Facebook.