How to Create a Business Manager Account for a Client

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When managing multiple Facebook Pages and advertising accounts for clients, it can become overwhelming to keep track of everything. That’s where Facebook Business Manager comes in. It is a powerful tool that allows you to efficiently manage all your clients’ assets in one centralized location. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating a Business Manager account for your client.

Step 1: Go to Business Manager

First, open your web browser and navigate to the Facebook Business Manager website. You can access it by typing in the address bar.

Step 2: Log in to Your Facebook Account

If you already have a personal Facebook account, log in using your credentials. If not, you will need to create a new account before proceeding.

Step 3: Create a Business Manager Account

Once you are logged in, click on the “Create Account” button. You will be prompted to enter your business name and email address. Make sure to use an email address that is associated with your client’s business.

Step 4: Add Your Client’s Business Page

After creating your Business Manager account, you will be taken to the dashboard. To add your client’s business page, click on the “Add Page” button. You will have two options: “Claim a Page” or “Request Access to a Page.”

If your client’s business page is already connected to their personal Facebook account, you can claim it by entering the page name or URL. If not, you can request access by entering the email address associated with the page or the Facebook page URL. Your client will then receive a notification to grant you access.

Step 5: Request Access to Ad Accounts

To manage your client’s ad accounts, click on the “Add Ad Account” button. You will have two options: “Claim an Ad Account” or “Request Access to an Ad Account.”

If your client’s ad account is already connected to their personal Facebook account, you can claim it by entering the ad account ID or the ad account name. If not, you can request access by entering the email address associated with the ad account or the ad account ID. Your client will then receive a notification to grant you access.

Step 6: Invite People to Your Business Manager

If you have team members or collaborators who need access to the Business Manager account, you can invite them by clicking on the “Add People” button. Enter their email addresses and assign them the appropriate roles, such as admin, employee, or analyst.

Step 7: Set Up Payment Methods

To run ads on behalf of your client, you will need to set up payment methods. Click on the “Business Settings” tab in the top-right corner of the dashboard and select “Payments” from the left-hand menu. Follow the prompts to add a payment method, such as a credit card or PayPal account.

Step 8: Manage Your Client’s Assets

Now that you have set up your Business Manager account and added your client’s assets, you can easily manage and access them from the dashboard. You can create and schedule posts, run ad campaigns, analyze performance, and much more.

Remember to regularly review and update the roles and permissions assigned to team members to ensure the security and privacy of your client’s assets.

Creating a Business Manager account for your client streamlines the process of managing Facebook Pages and ad accounts. It provides a centralized hub for all your client’s assets, making it easier to collaborate and efficiently execute your marketing strategies. Follow the steps outlined in this guide, and you’ll be well on your way to successfully managing your client’s Facebook presence.