How to Access Your Facebook Business Manager Account

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Facebook Business Manager is a powerful tool that allows businesses to manage their Facebook pages, ad accounts, and other assets all in one place. If you’re looking to access your Facebook Business Manager account, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to access your account and get started with managing your business on Facebook.

Step 1: Log in to Facebook

The first step to accessing your Facebook Business Manager account is to log in to your personal Facebook account. Open your preferred web browser and go to Enter your login credentials (email address or phone number and password) and click on the “Log In” button.

Step 2: Go to Business Settings

Once you’re logged in to your personal Facebook account, locate the drop-down arrow in the top-right corner of the page. Click on the arrow to reveal a menu, and then select “Business Settings” from the options.

Step 3: Access Business Manager

In the Business Settings menu, you’ll find a sidebar on the left side of the page. Look for the “Accounts” section and click on “Business Manager” within that section.

Step 4: Confirm Your Identity

Facebook may ask you to confirm your identity before granting you access to Business Manager. This is to ensure the security of your account and the business assets you’ll be managing. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the identity confirmation process.

Step 5: Set Up Your Business Manager Account

If you’re accessing Business Manager for the first time, you’ll need to set up your account. Facebook will guide you through the process, which includes providing some basic information about your business and creating an ad account. Follow the prompts and fill in the required details to complete the setup.

Step 6: Add Pages and Ad Accounts

Once you’re inside your Facebook Business Manager account, you can start adding your business’s Facebook pages and ad accounts. This will allow you to manage and advertise on behalf of your business. To add a page or ad account, click on the “Business Settings” tab in the top-left corner of the page, and then select the “Pages” or “Ad Accounts” option from the menu on the left. Click on the “Add” button and follow the instructions to add your assets.

Step 7: Grant Access to Others

If you have team members or partners who need access to your Facebook Business Manager account, you can grant them access by adding them as people or partners. To do this, go to the “Business Settings” tab and select “People” or “Partners” from the menu on the left. Click on the “Add” button and enter the email address or partner’s business ID to invite them to your account.

Step 8: Explore Business Manager Features

Now that you have access to your Facebook Business Manager account, take some time to explore its features and functionalities. Business Manager offers a wide range of tools to help you manage your business’s presence on Facebook effectively. From creating and managing ad campaigns to analyzing performance and insights, there’s a lot you can do within the platform.

Remember to keep your account secure by regularly updating your password and enabling two-factor authentication. This will help protect your business assets and ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your account.


Accessing your Facebook Business Manager account is a straightforward process that starts with logging in to your personal Facebook account. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to access your account, set it up, and start managing your business’s presence on Facebook. Take advantage of the features and tools available within Business Manager to maximize your business’s reach and engagement on the platform.